State-of-the-art facilities

Our European Soccer Residency Academy in Toulouse, in collaboration with CREPS de Toulouse, is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, designed to provide the optimal environment for player development. We understand that top-quality training facilities are essential to nurturing young talent and enabling players to reach their full potential.

CREPS De Toulouse

European Soccer Pro Academy - International Soccer Residency Academy

Training Fields

Our academy boasts multiple training fields that meet the highest standards in the industry. These meticulously maintained natural grass and turf pitches provide the perfect surface for honing technical skills, tactical understanding, and physical conditioning.

I’ve been playing and training with coach Serge for a while. I drastically became a better player with those training, improved by a lot with my movement on and off the ball tactically and technically!

Didier J.B. Player

Performance Center

At our Toulouse location, we have a dedicated performance center where our players can focus on their physical fitness and overall conditioning. The performance center is equipped with cutting-edge equipment and staffed by experienced trainers who work closely with our players to optimize their athletic performance.

Analysis Rooms

Education is a fundamental aspect of our academy, and we have well-equipped rooms where players can continue their studies alongside their soccer training. Additionally, our analysis rooms provide a space for coaches and players to review matches, analyze game footage, and identify areas for improvement.

Our exceptional facilities at the European Soccer Residency Academy in Toulouse empower young players to excel in their soccer journey. With cutting-edge training fields, a dedicated performance center, and modern classrooms, we offer a comprehensive environment for aspiring athletes to hone their skills and pursue their dreams.

Join us in Europe!Take your game to the next level!