At the European Soccer Residency Academy, we understand that the journey to becoming a professional soccer player often includes significant milestones along the way. Our program provides a platform for our players to gain valuable experience in our respected amateur soccer club partner, Toulouse Metropole Football Club. This exposure not only enhances their skills but also acts as a potential gateway to a promising career in professional soccer.

European Soccer Pro Academy - International Soccer Residency Academy


European Soccer Pro Academy - International Soccer Residency Academy

Opportunities to join our French
Amateur Club Partner

The journey of players from the European Soccer Pro Academy to our esteemed French amateur club partner begins with a meticulous process of observation. Our coaching staff keenly assesses the talents and potential of each player within the academy, identifying those who exhibit exceptional skills and dedication to the sport. This initial phase serves as a foundation for the players' progression, laying the groundwork for the transformative steps that follow.
Once identified, selected players undergo a comprehensive preparation phase that is a hallmark of the European Soccer Pro Academy program. Our dedicated coaching team invests time and expertise to hone the skills, tactics, and overall prowess of these aspiring athletes. Through rigorous training sessions, personalized coaching, and exposure to advanced methodologies, players are equipped with the tools necessary to meet the elite standards expected by the French amateur club. This intensive preparation is a testament to our commitment to nurturing well-rounded players ready for the challenges that lie ahead.
The ultimate goal of the European Soccer Pro Academy is to seamlessly transition players into the French amateur club. To join this prestigious club, players must demonstrate an elite level of skill and determination. The crucial decision lies in the hands of our Technical Director, who meticulously evaluates each player's readiness for the championship level in the French amateur club. This selective process ensures that only the most prepared and capable individuals move forward, creating a pathway for our players to excel on a broader stage. The strength of the Pro Academy program lies in its ability to not only identify potential but to effectively prepare and guide players to meet the rigorous standards of the French club, fostering a legacy of excellence.
European Soccer Pro Academy - International Soccer Residency Academy
European Soccer Pro Academy - International Soccer Residency Academy



Coupe de France (2023)
Senior Regional 1

Numbers of teams


Numbers of players


Number of fields


Jersey colors

White and black

European Soccer Pro Academy - International Soccer Residency Academy

Building a Strong Foundation

Amateur clubs provide an ideal setting for young talents to strengthen their foundation in the sport. You’ll have the chance to compete regularly, develop your tactical awareness, and showcase your abilities on the pitch. This experience serves as a stepping stone towards achieving your professional aspirations.

Exposure to Different Playing Styles

Playing in different clubs exposes you to varied playing styles, coaching philosophies, and competition levels. This diversity of experiences enhances your adaptability and soccer IQ, making you a more well-rounded and versatile player.

I’ve been training with coach Serge for a long time. It’s been a delight for me to train in a fun and educational environment where I was to get better day by day and drill after drill, with Coach Serge Coaching me throughout the drills to help me by teaching his Game IQs. The program met my needs as a player because in the program the focus is individual on a team aspect.

Schneider A. Player

High-level Games

To apply what you’ve learned in training, we organize games against other local teams, and sometimes even friendly matches with professional youth squads, depending of the level of our team. These matches give you the chance to demonstrate your progress and put your skills to the test.

Scouting and Networking Opportunities

Our academy has strong connections within the soccer community, and we actively support our players in securing spots in high-level French amateur clubs. This networking can be invaluable for your soccer career, as it can lead to further professional opportunities and exposure to scouts and agents.

Mentorship and Guidance

Our coaching staff and mentors are there to provide guidance as you embark on this path. They offer insights on making the most of your time with amateur clubs and preparing for the next steps in your soccer career.

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Get Inspired BySuccess Stories

The European Soccer Pro Academy’s  program is committed to providing you with every opportunity to achieve your professional soccer goals. Our connection to our respected French amateur club is just one of the ways we support your journey. Join us and take the next step toward realizing your dream of becoming a professional soccer player.

Join us in Europe!Take your game to the next level!