European Soccer Pro Academy - International Soccer Residency Academy

Kick Off the Season with Our Exciting New Refer a Friend Program at European Soccer Pro Academy!

At European Soccer Pro Academy, we are always looking for ways to expand our vibrant community and enhance the soccer experience for everyone involved. This season, we are excited to introduce our brand-new Refer a Friend that not only helps grow our passionate soccer family but also rewards you for making it happen!

Introducing Our Referral Program – Score Big!

Whether your friends are new to soccer or seasoned players looking to elevate their game, our Refer a Friend program offers fantastic opportunities to join our unique soccer camps, and gives you a chance to earn substantial rewards.

Here’s How You Can Score:

Spring Camp Referrals:

    • Earn $100 Cash for each friend you refer to our one-week Spring Camp.
    • Spring Camp is designed to shake off the winter blues and get players prepped for the season ahead with intensive training and skill enhancement under the guidance of our professional coaches.

Tryout Camp Referrals:

    • Earn $100 Cash for each friend you refer to our one-week Tryout Camp.
    • This camp is a golden opportunity for aspiring players to showcase their talents, learn from the best, and possibly secure a spot in our prestigious academy.

Summer Camp Referrals:

    • Earn $25 Cash for each friend you refer for one week of Summer Camp, or $50 Cash for two weeks.
    • Our Summer Camps offer a mix of training, fun activities, and team-building exercises to ensure players not only improve their soccer skills but also forge lasting friendships and develop as individuals.

Why Refer Friends to European Soccer Pro Academy?

  1. Quality Training: Our camps are designed by professional coaches who understand the pathway to becoming a top player. Each camp focuses on technical skills, physical fitness, and game intelligence.
  2. Community and Fun: Soccer is more than just a game; it’s about community. By referring friends, you help build a supportive network that enhances the experience for every player.
  3. Rewards for You: Every successful referral puts cash directly into your pocket. It’s our way of saying thank you for helping our community grow.

How to Get Started:

Getting involved is easy!

  1. Just visit our website at
  2. Fill up the form
  3. Save your unique referral code
  4. Share your referral code to your friends and family who might be interested in our camps

When they sign up using your code, they get the chance to elevate their soccer skills, and you earn cash – it’s a win-win!

We are incredibly excited about the potential of this program and the opportunity it offers to everyone in our academy family. Your participation not only helps your friends by providing them with a top-tier soccer experience but also brings invaluable energy and new skills into our community.

Get ready to kick off, share the passion, and earn rewards!